Graywitch – Rise of the Witch (Digital Download)

Listen to the song "Heavy Metal Life"

Immediate digital download.
Including high resolution front & back cover + lyrics artwork.


  1. Night Demons 04:38
  2. Midnight Metal Queen 05:02
  3. Metalhead 04:37
  4. Heavy Metal Life 04:50
  5. Old Salt 04:26
  6. My Comrade 08:26
  7. The Rise 06:42
  8. Witch of the Damned 04:51
  9. Where are you Baby 04:59
  10. Realms of the Unseen 07:47

Music and lyrics by Graywitch
Recorded and produced by George Stournaras at Infected Studios
Release by Sleaszy Rider Records

12.00 Original price was: € price is: €7.00.

SKU SR-0273-digital Category Tag
